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Atlas Copco further strengthens its focus on medical gas solutions
Wilrijk, June , 2014. Atlas Copco, a leading provider of sustainable productivity solutions, is reshaping its Quality Air division to focus on medical gas solutions and filter business. The division will change name to Medical Gas Solutions.
The Medical Gas Solutions division, part of the Compressor Technique business area, will focus on medical gas products, filters and services for the growing health care sector globally. All other business segments will be transferred to the Oil-free Air and Industrial Air divisions, where they will fit well and get continued high attention and strong growth opportunities.
“The Medical Gas Solutions division will be fully committed to develop, manufacture, sell and service medical gas solutions,” said Horst Wasel, President of the Medical Gas Solutions Division. “It will enable us to meet the demands of the global health care sector and capture the many opportunities in this market. We have a strong offering of innovative products and service solutions and a large potential for profitable growth.”
The division will be led by Horst Wasel out of Rock Hill, USA and will be operational from June 1, 2014.

醫用型無油空壓機的壓縮機空氣解決方案,主要是針對于阿特拉斯空壓機 醫療行業技術方面的業務領域等重要組成部分,主要集中在于醫用型的壓縮空氣產品,高效精密的過濾器用于服務日益增長的醫療保健行業在全球世界各地遍地開花。今后大部分的時間和業務將轉移到無油空氣壓縮機的生產使用部門,無論您是在任何時間任何地點,為您的用氣設備提供著,持續的高度關注和強勁的壓縮空氣動力。
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